Karamoja Peace And Technology University (KAPATU) aims to Transform Education and Mitigate Climate Change in Karamoja.

Innocent Orikiiriza
2 min readJul 31, 2023
CLASI Technical Team with Bishop Dominic Eibu of Kotido Catholic Diocese at KAPATU’s foundation stone

The community has positively welcomed the project of a modern transformative university project in Karamoja, and they have interpreted the project as bringing Makerere University within their reach. During the my trip to Karamoja for the launch of of Karamoja Peace And Technology University (#KAPATU), we encountered young people who asked us when KAPATU was starting because they have just completed primary level of education (Senior 6, Uganda Advanced Certificate Level) and cannot afford the travel and accommodation costs to Kampala and other regions. These students are among the many who are eagerly looking forward to the start of #KAPATU so that they can have an opportunity to continue their education and widen their horizons for the future. This expectation aligns with the message of Vice President of Uganda, H.E Alupo Jessica, during the event of laying the foundation stone, which emphasized the importance of education first.

Innocent Orikiiriza jumping with Karachunas in Karechi

During this trip, we visited the Kokoria chapel where Fr. Gabriel Angella (Mary Mother of God Parish Priest of Kanawat, Kotido Catholic Diocese) informed us that 90% of his congregation consists of young people who will benefit from this modern transformative university in 10 to 20 years.

By coincidence, I just found out that this week, Uganda’s Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, along with researchers from France, has uncovered a large extinct mammal that resembles the size of a hippopotamus. The findings provide evidence of the existence of water bodies in Karamoja over 20 million years ago! In this context, KAPATU’s major contribution to the Karamoja is to conduct further research in order to identify sustainable solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change, which is currently affecting the people and communities in the region. If these climate change factors, which are currently affecting the region, are not mitigated, it will be almost impossible to achieve sustainable economic growth.

“If you want to transform people, work with them.” — Nelson Mandela. That is why the tripartite relationship between Kotido Catholic Diocese, Catholic Lawyers Society International (#CLASI), and the Government of Uganda to construct #KAPATU is an important strategy to bring about what Nelson Mandela said about working with people for transformation. This modern transformative university will enhance both the peace and education system in the Karamoja subregion and neighboring areas.

Alakara nooi!

#KAPATU #KaramojaUniversity #EducationForAll #TransformativeEducation #Community #ClimateChange #SustainableSolutions #PeaceAndEducation #KotidoCatholicDiocese #CLASI #GovernmentOfUganda #Karamoja



Innocent Orikiiriza

Founder & CEO at KaCyber Technologies. Digitizing Africa’s transport and logistic operations to make seamless mobility a reality. Learn more at www.kacyber.com